Keeping soil out of the river - WTT visits the Allerton Project

The problem of soil loss for all of society in the UK is simply staggering – Govt estimates put annual topsoil loss at 2.2 million tonnes, 95% of which comes from farm land. That soil hits our rivers, causing huge ecological harm, contributing to flooding,Allerton needing treatment for potable supplies, loss of agricultural production etc.
WTT’s Conservation Officers see every day in the river the ecological harm from this issue, so it was heartening to see farm practice that seeks to mitigate these impacts – truly excellent and inspirational work.

WTT’s team of Conservation Officers recently had a simply outstanding day visiting the Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust’s Allerton research farm at Loddington, Leics, hosted by Dr. Alastair Leake (centre right of photo) and his colleague, Prof. Chris Stoate.

Here, GCWT staff research the effects of different farming methods on the environment.
We especially focussed on soil management and the use of continuous cover and minimum till or no till regimes to reduce soil loss from fields. GWCT’s work indicates that, at least with their topography, soil type and farm practice, these regimes can dramatically reduce soil loss through run-off without impacting crop productivity. 

Visit the Allerton Project website — click here 

For more information on the impact of land use on the quality of our rivers, see our library page here
And for information on the benficial impacts of trees, click here.