River Stour at Godinton

The objective of this project was to restore a 500m section of the upper reaches of the Great Stour in Kent. A long legacy of maintenance dredging had left a silt-filled channel completed dominated with emergent reed.

Before — Overgrown upper Stour at Godinton After — Upper Stour 1 year later resembling a trout stream

Emergent reed was cut back and sediment removed, following this 1000 tonnes of gravel was introduced. This had the effect of raising the bed by 250mm on average (right).

Upstream water levels were constantly monitoring during the introduction of gravels. Increases in water levels at the upstream limit of the fishery were only 100mm higher following the introduction of 50 lorry loads of 20 – 40mm gravel. An existing impoundment less than 50m above the top boundary removed any risk of drowning out value habitat upstream. The section now looks to be ideal for supporting a range of flow loving and gravel spawning fish species, as well as being greatly improved environment for native crayfish.

This project was a partnership project delivered by the Godinton Piscatorials in partnership with the Wild Trout Trust, The Godinton House Preservation Trust, The Nineveh Trust and the Environment Agency.

For further information please contact Andy Thomas: athomas@​wildtrout.​org tel: 07876525499